Issuing Repeat Medication

The Medication screen allows you to issue and reauthorise repeat medication. These are not printed, only issued.

  1. From the Patient Summary screen select the Medication heading.
  2. The Medication screen displays and defaults to Repeats:

  3. To issue repeat(s) select Issue .
  4. All the active repeats are automatically selected for issue:

  5. Long press on any unwanted drugs to Exclude. Then select the message at the top of the screen to confirm removal from the issue list:

  6. Next select Issue .

As the prescriptions are being issued a message displays.

Note - The repeat prescriptions do not print, and show in Vision 3 as unprinted medication.
Important - Please be aware, Vision Anywhere only displays Medication from the last 2 years.
Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.